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编辑:刘静娴 发表时间:2023-12-11   浏览次数:

1. 无国家自然科学基金网络信息系统账号的老师,如需新申请账号,请填写《电信学院自然科学基金系统账号开通申请审批表》(下载附件);

2. 申请审批表填写打印后,需申请人签名、系(中心)负责人签名;

3. 请将申请审批表纸质版交至智信馆304室,同时附上身份证复印件、最高学位证书复印件。此外,请将电子版发送至liujingxian@tongji.edu.cn。


[NSFC] Application Procedure for New Account Allocation in the Information System of National Natural Science Foundation of China

1. Applicants without an account in the Information System of National Natural Science Foundation of China need to apply for a new account. Please fill in the "CEIE Application Approval Form of Information System account of NFSC" (download in the attachment).

2. When filled and printed, the Application Approval Form should be signed by the applicant and also by the head of the department.

3. Please submit the Application Approval Form along with a photocopy of your ID card(or passport) and your highest degree certificate to Room 304, Zhixin Building. In addition, please send the electronic version to liujingxian@tongji.edu.cn.

Please note: Each applicant can only have one account in the Information system. If you already have an account at your original institution, you only need to modify the "Supporting Institution" to "Tongji University" in the system, and select "College of Electronic and Information Engineering" from the "Department/Institute" dropdown menu (please be sure to select the department/institute). There is no need to reapply for an account.
