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姓  名 温鹏雁
职  称 长聘副教授
学  科 电子科学与技术学科
专  业 微电子学与固体电子学
研究方向 半导体光电子器件
导师类型 博导/硕导
通讯地址 上海市嘉定区曹安公路4800号电信学院(智信馆)724b室





欧盟玛丽居里学者 (2020)

支持“率先行动”优秀博士后 (2016)



  1. H2020 欧盟玛丽居里项目,Defect analysis and thermal effects of nanolasers and Emitters, 20.3 万欧元 (No. 844541),结题, 主持。

  2. 国家重点研发计划课题,三基色LD在线检测和老化筛选技术, 460万元,(No. 2018YFB0406905),结题, 主持。

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,GaN基激光器有源区退化与应力诱导缺陷的研究, 25 万元,(No. 61704184),结题, 主持。

  4. 江苏省青年基金,GaN-LDs有源区退化与应力诱导缺陷的研究, 20万元,(No. BK20170430),结题, 主持。

  5. 支持“率先行动”中国科学院与博士后基金委联合资助优秀博士后项目,大功率GaN基激光器可靠性研究, 20万元,(No. 2016LH0026),结题, 主持。


Optical and Quantum Electronics 客座编辑

国际会议IEDM、NUSOD Committee member

Optics Express, OSA Continuum 等期刊审稿人


  1. P. Wen, P. Tiwari, S. Mauthe, H. Schmid, M. Sousa, M. Scherrer, M. Baumann, B. I. Bitachon, J. Leuthold, B. Gotsmann and K. E. Moselund, Waveguide coupled III-V photodiodes monolithically integrated on Si, Nature Communications, 13, 909, 2022.

  2. P. Wen, P. Tiwari, M. Scherrer, E. Lorster, B. Gotsmann and K. E. Moselund, Thermal simulation and experimental analysis of InP-on-Si micro- and nanocavity lasers, ACS Photonics, 9, 1338-48, 2022.

  3. Q. Ding, P. Wen, B. Gotsmann, K. E. Moselund and A. Schenk, Self-heating analysis of monolithically integrated hybrid III-V/Si PIN diode, SPIE Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, France, 12148, 12148OE, 2022.

  4. P. Xu, H. Xiu, L. Yin, P. Wen, Y. Xue and J. Yang, The effect of humidity on the degradation mechanisms of GaN-based green laser diodes, Optics & Laser Technology, 157, 108662, 2022.

  5. P. Wen, P. Tiwari, K. E. Moselund and B. Gotsmann, Thermal and optical simulation of InP on Si nanocavity lasers, 21st International Conference on Numerical simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 52207, 9541426, 2021.

  6. P. Wen, P. Tiwari, B. Gotsmann and K. E. Moselund, Modelling of thermal effects in InP-on-Si nanocavity lasers, IEEE 17th International Conference on Group IV Photonics(GFP), 51802, 9673942, 2021.

  7. P. Tiwari, P. Wen, D. Caimi, S. Mauthe, N. V. Trivino, M. Sousa and K. E. Moselund, Scaling of Metal-Clad InP Nanodisk Lasers: Optical Performance and Thermal Effects, Optics Express, 29, 3915-27, 2021.

  8. P. Tiwari, P. Wen, S. Mauthe, M. Baumann, B. I. Bitachon, H. Schmid, J. Leuthold and K. E. Moselund, Butt-Coupled III-V Photodetector Monolithically Integrated on SOI with data reception at 50 Gbps OOK, Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 9490006, 2021.

  9. M. Scherrer, P. Tiwari, N. V. Trivino, S. Mauthe, P. Wen, H. Schmid and K. E. Moselund, Monolithic integration of in-plane hybrid III-V/Si photonic devices, MikroSystemTechnik, Congress, 2021.

  10. H. Xiu, P. Xu, P. Wen, Y. Zhang and J. Yang, Rapid degradation of InGaN/GaN green laser diodes, Superlattices and Microstructures, 142, 106517, 2020.

  11. Y. Tang, M. Feng, P. Wen, J. Liu, J. Wang, X, Sun, Q. Sun, S. Zhang, X. Sheng, M. Ikeda and H. Yang, Degradation study of InGaN-based laser diodes grown on Si, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53, 39, 2020.

  12. H. Lin, D. Li, L, Zhang, P. Wen, S. Zhang, J. Liu and H. Yang, Effect of microstructure of Au80Sn20 solder on the thermal resistance TO56 packaged GaN-based laser diodes, Journal of Semiconductors, 41, 102104, 2020.

  13. P. Tiwari, S. Mauthe, N. V. Triviño, P. Wen, Y. Baumgartner, M. Scherrer, D. Caimi, S. Reidt and K. E. Moselund, Metal-Clad InP Cavities for Nanolasers on Si, IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 47351, 9252274, 2020.

  14. N. Vico Triviño, S. Mauthe, M. Scherrer, P. Tiwari, P. Wen, M. Sousa, H. Schmid and K. E. Moselund, In-plane monolithic integration of scaled III-V photonic devices, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), 48923, 9333303, 2020.

  15. P. Tiwari, S. Mauthe, N. V. Trivino, P. Staudinger, M. Scherrer, P. Wen, D. Caimi, M. Sousa, H. Schmid and K. E. Moselund, Q. Ding and A. Schenk, Scaled III-V optoelectronic devices on silicon, International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), 49422, 9217747, 2020.

  16. P. Wen, H. Xiu, S. Zhang, J. Liu, L. Zhang, A. Tian, F. Zhang, R. Zhou, D. Li, M. Ikeda, W. Zhou and H. Yang, Strain-related degradation of GaN-based blue laser diodes, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25, 2947602, 2019.

  17. R. Zhou, M. Ikeda, F. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Zhang, A. Tian, P. Wen, D. Li, L. Zhang and H. Yang. Total-InGaN-thickness dependent Shockley-Read-Hall recombination lifetime in InGaN quantum wells, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 013103, 2019.

  18. F. Zhang, M. Ikeda, R. Zhou, J. Liu, S. Zhang, A. Tian, P. Wen, D. Li, L. Zhang and H. Yang, Polarization relaxation in InGaN/(In)GaN multiple quantum wells, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, SCCB12, 2019.

  19. R. Zhou, M. Ikeda, F. Zhang, J. Liu, S. Zhang, A. Tian, P. Wen, D. Li, L. Zhang and H. Yang, Steady-state recombination lifetimes in polar InGaN/GaN quantum wells by time-resolved photoluminescence, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, SCCB07, 2019.

  20. M. Ikeda, F. Zhang, R. Zhou, J. Liu, S. Zhang, A. Tian, P. Wen, L. Zhang, D. Li and H. Yang, Thermionic emission of carriers in InGaN/(In)GaN multiple quantum wells, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, SCCB03, 2019.

  21. J. Hu, S. Zhang, D. Li, F. Zhang, M. Feng, P. Wen, J. Liu, L. Zhang and H. Yang, Thermal analysis of GaN-based laser diode mini-array, Chinese Physics B, 27, 094208, 2018.

  22. P. Wen, J. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, M. Ikeda, D. Li, A. Tian, F. Zhang, Y. Cheng, W. Zhou and H. Yang, Asymmetrical quantum well degradation of InGaN/GaN blue laser diodes characterized by photoluminescence, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 212102, 2017.

  23. F. Zhang, M. Ikeda, S. Zhang, J. Liu, A. Tian, P. Wen, Y. Cheng and H. Yang, Thermal etching rate of GaN during MOCVD growth interruption in hydrogen and ammonia ambient determined by AlGaN/GaN superlattice structures, Journal of Crystal Growth, 475, 93-9, 2017.

  24. A. Tian, J. Liu, L. Zhang, L. Jiang, M. Ikeda, S. Zhang, D. Li, P. Wen, Y. Cheng, X. Fan and H. Yang, Significant increase of quantum efficiency of green InGaN quantum well by realizing step-flow growth, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 112102, 2017.

  25. A. Tian, J. Liu, L. Zhang, Z. Li, M. Ikeda, S. Zhang, D. Li, P. Wen, F. Zhang, Y. Cheng, X. Fan and H. Yang, Green laser diodes with low threshold current density via interface engineering of InGaN/GaN quantum well active region, Optics Express, 25, 415, 2017.

  26. X. Fan, J. Liu, F. Zhang, M. Ikeda, D. Li, S. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. Tian, P. Wen, G. Ma and H. Yang, Effect of droop phenomenon in InGaN/GaN blue laser diodes on threshold current, Chinese Physics Letters, 34, 109-11, 2017.

  27. Y. Cheng, J. Liu, L. Zhang, D. Jiang, A. Tian, F. Zhang, M. Feng, P. Wen, W. Zhou, S. Zhang, M. Ikeda, D. Li and H. Yang, Suppression of recombination in waveguide in c-plane InGaN-based green laser diodes, Superlattices and Microstructures, 111, 1121-5, 2017.

  28. P. Wen, S. Zhang, J. Liu, D. Li, L. Zhang, Q. Sun, A. Tian, K. Zhou, T. Zhou and H. Yang, Investigation of InGaN/GaN laser degradation based on luminescence properties, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 213107, 2016.

  29. P. Wen, S. Zhang, J. Liu, D. Li, L. Zhang, K. Zhou, X. Su, A. Tian, F. Zhang and H. Yang, Catastrophic degradation of InGaN/GaN blue laser diodes, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 16, 638-41, 2016.

  30. P. Wen, S. Zhang, D. Li, J. Liu, L. Zhang, D. Shi, K. Zhou, A. Tian, S. Feng and H. Yang, Investigation of rapid degradation in GaN-based blue laser diodes, Superlattices and Microstructures, 99, 72-6, 2016.

  31. Y. Huang, P. Wen, D. Li, J. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Zhang and H. Yang, Investigation of output nonlinearity mechanisms in GaN-based blue laser diodes, 13th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting, 978, 16579860, 2016.

  32. F. Zhang, M. Ikeda, S. Zhang, J. Liu, A. Tian, P. Wen, Y. Cheng and H. Yang, Reduction of polarization field strength in fully strained c-plane InGaN/(In)GaN multiple quantum wells grown by MOCVD, Nanoscale Research Letters, 11, 519, 2016.

  33. A. Tian, J. Liu, L. Zhang, M. Ikeda, X. Fan, S. Zhang, D. Li, F. Zhang, P. Wen, Y. Cheng and H. Yang, Optical characterization of InGaN/GaN quantum well active region of green laser diodes, Applied Physics Express, 10, 012701, 2016.

  34. A. Tian, J. Liu, L. Zhang, M. Ikeda, S. Zhang, D. Li, X. Fan, K. Zhou, P. Wen, F. Zhang and H. Yang, Green laser diodes with low operation voltage obtained by suppressing carbon impurity in AlGaN : Mg cladding layer, Physics Status Solidi C, 13, 245-7, 2016.

  35. P. Wen, D. Li, S. Zhang, J. Liu, L. Zhang, K. Zhou, M. Feng, A. Tian, F. Zhang, C. Zeng and H. Yang, Identification of degradation mechanisms based on thermal characteristics of InGaN/GaN laser diodes, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 21, 165-70, 2015.

  36. P. Wen, S. Zhang, D. Li, J. Liu, L. Zhang, D. Shi, K. Zhou, A. Tian, S. Feng and H. Yang, Identification of degradation mechanisms of blue InGaN/GaN laser diodes, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 415101, 2015.

  37. P. Wen, D. Li, S. Zhang, J. Liu, L. Zhang, K. Zhou, M. Feng, Z. Li, A. Tian and H. Yang, Enhanced temperature characteristic of InGaN/GaN laser diodes with uniform multiple quantum wells, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 30, 125015, 2015.

  38. P. Wen, D. Li, S. Zhang, J. Liu, L. Zhang, K. Zhou, M. Feng, Z. Li, A. Tian and H. Yang, High accuracy thermal resistance measurement in GaN/InGaN laser diodes, Solid-State Electronics, 106, 50-3, 2015.

  39. D. Shi, S. Feng, Y. Qiao and P. Wen, The research on temperature distribution of GaN-based blue laser diode, Solid-State Electronics, 109, 25-8, 2015.

  40. A. Tian, J. Liu, M. Ikeda, S. Zhang, Z. Li, M. Feng, K. Zhou, D. Li, L. Zhang, P. Wen, F. Zhang and H. Yang, Conductivity enhancement in AlGaN: Mg by suppressing the incorporation of carbon impurity, Applied Physics Express, 8, 051001, 2015.

  41. K. Zhou, M. Ikeda, J. Liu, S. Zhang, Z. Li, M. Feng, A. Tian, P. Wen, D. Li, L. Zhang and H. Yang, Abnormal InGaN growth behavior in indium-desorption regime in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, Journal of Crystal Growth, 409, 51-5, 2015.

